Lucky Tonic

A new, perfumed and complex long drink, derived from the classic Gin & Tonic.
The addition of the typical botanicals of Gin Mì (yuzu) and Gin Tì (camomile) create a fragrant and complex mix.

2,5 cl Gin Mì
2,5 cl Gin Tì
Dash of yuzu juice
One teaspoon of camomile infusion
1/4 teaspoon of sugar
15 cl sugar Fentiman’s Herbal Tonic Water
A few edible flowers

Infuse for a few minutes the yuzu juice with the camomile and the sugar.
Fill a ballon glass with small ice cubes.
Pour the infusion, the two gins and mix gently.
Decorate with a few edible flowers.
Gradually add the Tonic Water.